How To Grow Agave From Seed
​Purchase fresh Agave Seeds from My Seeds online Garden store. Free Shipping
How to Grow and Care
Agaves are not difficult plants to grow. They are slow-growing and dramatic and will even thrive on a bit of neglect. If you are the type of person who likes to fuss with houseplants and water a lot, Agave is probably not the plant for you. If, however, you are the type of person who likes to set it and forget it, and you have a sunny window, Agave might be the way to go. Be aware that some large varieties will eventually outgrow your room (unless you have a large greenhouse), and Agave can be aggressive. They have irritating sap and sometimes very sharp thorns that can cause injuries to small children and even pets.
In general, Agaves do not need to be repotted every year. Most species commonly found in cultivation grow slowly and take a long to outgrow their pot. It is also best to handle your plant as little as possible since they do not like to be disturbed. When repot, refresh the spent soil with a new potting mix and make sure the plant is firmly anchored in its pot. However, be careful not to pot the Agave too deep, which will encourage stem rot during the growing season.
Grow notes:
Although seed can be sown most of the year in many parts of Australia seed is generally best sown in spring or autumn, avoid the coldest and hottest months of the year. The optimum germination temperature for germination is around 18-22°C.
Soak seed overnight in warm water.
Sow on the surface and cover very lightly. Do not bury seeds deeply as they require a degree of light to germinate.
Keep warm & moist but not wet.
Germination should occur in 14-28 days @ 18-22°C.
General note: Seeds of many plants are dormant and require specific conditions or pre-treatment for germination.
Do not be too hasty to discard seed that does not germinate, seeds will often lay dormant until the conditions are similar to their natural requirements for germination to occur. Containers put to one side will often surprise long after they were discarded.