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How To Grow Lucky Bamboo From Seed


Soak your bamboo seeds in water for 1 full day.

Fill up a shallow glass container up with water that is right around 85° F (30° C).

Place your seeds into the water and let them sit undisturbed for between 12-24 hours.

This kickstarts the germination process for your seeds and increases the odds of planting success.


  • Use a food thermometer to verify that the temperature doesn't get too hot or it could cook your seeds and ruin the possibility of planting.

  • If you don't have a container handy, you can also place the seeds in a bag and fill it with water.

  • Place the container in a warm spot to keep the temperature from dropping too quickly. It also helps to cover the container to keep the heat trapped longer.

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Use a wooden skewer to create a small hole in the top of soil. Then, place 1 seed in the centre of the pellet. Use your finger to push the pellet down into the peat enough so that it is fully covered.

 Position the pot in a spot with 12-16 hours of indirect sunlight. This is the minimum amount of sunlight that the seeds will require to grow into seedlings. Avoid placing your greenhouse in direct sunlight or you'll risk burning the seeds. Keep your greenhouse covered with the lid in order to trap the warmth.


  • A grow light can also provide warmth for your seedlings. Position an incandescent light at least 24 inches (61 cm) away from your plants to keep them from burning. A florescent light can be placed just 6 inches (15 cm) away from your pot.

  • Water each day until they are moist. If you see water accumulating on the surface of the pellet, stop and water a bit less next time. Be aware that each pellet may require varying amounts of water daily. You should see sprouts start to pop out of the soil after around 10 days post-planting.

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Transplant the seedlings to larger planting containers after 30 days. Get a single 2 US gal (7.6 L) planting pot for every 3 pellets. Add potting soil into each pot until it is halfway full. Then, fill up the rest of the pots with bark mulch. Dig a hole for each pellet that is just slightly larger than the pellet's actual size. Gently lift each planting pellet and place it within a hole in the pot.

  • It's fine to place multiple pellets in a single pot, as long as they are not directly touching.

  • If a pellet doesn't have a visible sprout, you can still transplant it and hope that it will produce a plant in time.

  • Cover each pellet with about 0.39 inches (0.99 cm) of potting soil, so that the top of the pellet is no longer visible.


Place the pots in a location with at least 6 hours of indirect sunlight. Extended direct sun will continue to burn your bamboo seedlings, so make sure that your plants get about half sun, half shade. You might even need to move your pots around to ensure that they get at least 6 hours of light.

  • The seedlings should stay a bright green color. If they turn yellow or brown, then they are getting too much sun.











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