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Alpine Snow Gum (Eucalyptus Pauiciflora) 30 Seeds



Eucalyptus pauciflora has an extensive range in Victoria and NSW, extending from the snowfields to Gisborne and the Mornington Peninsula in southern Victoria.


Forms from the southern distribution are more tolerant of dry soils and low organic matter than the Snow Gums of the high country, and are more appropriate for urban use.



E. pauciflora is typified by its exceptional bark with grey, white and a reddish-pink alternating stripes or patches in the older growth on smooth trunks. The foliage is also exceptional, up to 16cm long, very narrow and occasionally scimitar-shaped. This foliage is dark green to greenish blue, contrasting well with the trunks.



E. pauciflora will grow on many sites, including sandy, and poor soil sites. It will grow best with fortnightly summer irrigation during establishment; then it should grow reasonably without additional water, although some summer irrigation will improve overall plant growth and appearance.  This tree will grow to 7m as a single-trunked tree or as a mallee  and grows best on reasonably well-irrigated sites with free drainage. 

Alpine Snow Gum (Eucalyptus Pauiciflora) 30 Seeds

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