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Blue Boronia (Boronia Ramosa ) 10 Seeds



An evergreen, Australian native plant with cup-like flowers varying in colour from all Blue to dark purple with yellow inside. The flowers appear in spring, and it's interesting to note that although this plant is prized for its magnificent perfume, a significant number of people cannot smell it at all.Most boronias need moist but well-drained soil and dappled light. The area around the plants should be kept well mulched.



A small slender shrub which, in winter and spring, bears a profusion of highly fragrant, Blue, bell-shaped flowers. The soft, needle-like aromatic foliage adds year round interest



Care and propagation notes included.Requires smoke treatment for germination,this ia availabile in my ebay store as smoked vermiculite.



Packet contains 20 Very Fresh Seeds.

Blue Boronia (Boronia Ramosa ) 10 Seeds

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