Bottlebrush Grass Tree (Xanthorrhoea macronema) 10 Seeds
Xanthorrhoea is a genus of flowering plants native to Australia and a member of family Xanthorrhoeaceae, being the only member of subfamily Xanthorrhoeoideae.
All are perennials and have a secondary thickening meristem in the stem. Many, but not all, species develop an above ground stem. This is rough-surfaced, built from accumulated leaf-bases around the secondarily thickened trunk. The trunk is sometimes unbranched, some species will branch if the growing point is damaged and others naturally grow numerous branches. Flowers are borne on a long spike above a bare section called a scape, the total length can be up to four metres long in some species. Flowering occurs in a distinct flowering period, which varies for each species. Flowering can be stimulated by bushfire, in which case it occurs in the next flowering period after the fire.
A very slow growing spectacular grasstree with a absent trunk, growing below the ground. Growing to approx 45cm-90cm tall, spent leaf bases create the trunk. Thin, firm grass-like light green leaves appear out of the trunk tops and extend approx 90cm, arching over. Beautiful bottlebrush like flowers. Grass trees usually flower after a bushfire. In the absence of fires, they will only flower if healthy. Flower stalks are incredible, can grow approx 3cm per day and reach 3m high. Honey scented flowers attract birds and bees. Grass trees can take a few years to settle and adapt, but will make a statement in any garden style.
Seed germinates reasonably well without pretreatment, although growth is slow and seedlings take many years to develop into large specimens. They do, however, form attractive small garden plants in 3-4 years.
Care and propagation notes Included.
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