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Italian Pencil Pine Tree Seeds



Step 1
Soak seeds for 24 hours in water and place the seeds into a plastic zip-lock with roughly a tablespoon of moist sandy-like soil.  It is important that the soil is moist but not wet - if you can squeeze water from the mixture, it is too wet.  Write the date on the bag and place it into the fridge for 8-10 weeks.  Check weekly to make sure the soil is not drying out. It should be fine if the zip lock is sealed well but best to check because once this process is begun the seeds will not survive if they dry out.


Step 2
Once cold stratification is complete, sow each seed about 3 mm deep into seed trays or small pots of a well-draining garden soil and moisten.  Place the trays or pots in a well-lit position out of full sun.  Be sure to keep soil moist (but not wet) as again Italian Pencil Pines will not tolerate drying out as seeds or seedlings and drought at this stage will kill them quickly.  Average seed germination begins around 3-6 weeks.


Step 3
Seedlings can be transplanted once they are around an inch tall if necessary.  If sown separately in small pots, they can be left until they are slightly root bound and require transplantation.


Step 4
Plant into final position after last frosts have passed.  Pencil Pines prefer a full sun position.  Once established, this species will survive severe cold to -15°C / -5°F.  Italian Pencil Pines can take between 7-10 years to reach maturity and require very little maintenance.


20+ Seeds per Pack


Each Pack comes with Full Growing Instructions

All seeds are FREE POSTAGE Australia wide.

Italian Pencil Pine Tree Seeds

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