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Jacaranda Mimosifolia 20 Fresh Seeds


Jacaranda mimosifolia is the most widely planted and admired tree of the Jacaranda family, which consists of more than fifty species. Due to its striking foliage, wether in its green stage or its magnificent purple display, this is a highly sought after and popular tree.

J. mimosifolia is a fast growing tree that thrives in fertile, well-drained sunny positions, they don’t like heavy wet soils. Young plants require some protection from frost in their first year, if the tops blacken off simply prune them and new shoots will sprout.


Jacarandas are a shallow rooted tree and are excellent for use as ornamentals in large to smaller sized gardens, growing 10m high by 10 m wide.


Approx 20 seeds.

Care and propagation notes Included.

Jacaranda Mimosifolia 20 Fresh Seeds

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