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Minor Pink Fountian Triggerplant (Stylidium tenue)


Stylidium (also known as triggerplants or trigger plants) refers to the distinctive reproductive structure that its flowers possess.


Pollination is achieved through the use of the sensitive "trigger", which comprises the male and female reproductive organs fused into a floral column that snaps forward quickly in response to touch, harmlessly covering the insect in pollen.


The innocence and beauty of this(brunonianum var minor) flower belies the mamba-shaped head of the column, ready to strike and just as fast.


Stylidium are believed to be carnivorous (or protocarnivorous).

It has been reported that the numerous sticky glands on the flowering parts of triggerplants secrete enzymes to trap and digest tiny insects.


If this proves to be true, the addition of this genus would almost double the number of known carnivorous plants.


Care and propagation notes included.

Minor Pink Fountian Triggerplant (Stylidium tenue)

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