FLOWER BULBS - GLADIOLI - 10 x BULBSDutch Gladiolus well known from there beautifully frilled edge blossoms.
Dutch Gladiolus: Has long lowering period from early Spring through to Autumn.Gladiolus show best when planted in masses of 6 or more corms.Plant Glads with lilies in a perennial Garden for a Knock-out Blooms combinationGLADIOLUS The popular gladiolus is easy to grow in all climates in well-drained and fertile soil, Gladiolus are Blooms brilliantlywith striking beauty and vibrant colours Each 3-4' stem bears about a dozen eye-catching 4-5'' flowers.Score a dramatic win with this fantastically scented impressive gardenFlower Description:Flowers on fine tall stems make them ideal as the perfect garden feature and excellent as a cut flower.Planting : Plant bulbs 20cm apart and 5cm deep in well drained soil or in pots.For best effect plant them in clumps.Watering/ Fertilizing: Keep moist during dry spells. Do not over-water. Use a completefertilizer or organic manure dug well into the soil prior to planting.Position Requirements: They can be grown in any climate. However they to prefer full sun.Lifting Time: Lifting the bulbs from ground isn’t necessary at all. They simply just keep multiplying.However if you want to lift the bulbs, wait until the foliage has completely died down.Store them in a dry and airy place, until it is time to plant them next year.Pest and Diseases: Generally trouble free.Handy Hints: For best effect plant in clumps with other spring bulbs to create masscolour display in garden beds.
Purple Flora 10 Bulbs - Gladioli Bulb - Gladiolus