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Red Silk Cotton Tree Seeds . 


The Bombax ceiba or Red Silk Cotton tree is commonly grown as an ornamental shade tree because of its spectacular red - orange flowers and it's umbrella shaped canopy. In it's native tropical areas it is fast growing. A deciduous species, it loses it's leaves for the flowering period.

The Red Silk Cotton Tree is quite drought hardy and grows well in neutral to alkaline well draining soils (pH: 6.5-8.5). The tree does not do well with frost but will survive in temperatures down to 1-5°C/35-45°F as long as these periods are not prolonged. This species has not been grown commonly in cool-temperate climates, so there is not much information available on long term growth. We have not grown this species ourselves outside of a greenhouse environment during cooler months, so hopefully we can give more information in the coming years.


Height: around 20-25 metres 

Width: up to 8-15 metres 


Although Silk Cotton Trees average 20 metres in height, in their natural habitat in wet tropical rainforest, they reach up to 60 metres.

At the peak of its flowering season in China, people can often be found picking flowers off the ground to dry, which can be used to make a type of tea or soup.

Spikes on the stem can be ground and applied to the face for treatment against acne.


10+ Seeds per Pack


Each Pack comes with Full Growing Instructions

All seeds are FREE POSTAGE Australia wide.

Red Silk Cotton Tree Seeds

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